Recruiting and Retaining Educators of Color Matters
All students benefit from having educators and
administrators of color. Studies show that when schools
are more racially and ethnically diverse, students’
academic performance improves, more positive role
modeling occurs, teachers and students tend to be more
culturally aware, and students are less likely to hold
implicit biases in adulthood.
While the number of educators of color has grown
in recent years, studies also show that schools and
districts struggle to recruit and retain newly hired
educators of color. Educators of color, who are more
likely to enter the profession from alternate career
pathways, cite experiencing an antagonistic school
culture, navigating unfavorable conditions, and bearing
high costs as reasons for leaving the profession.
Improving both recruitment and retention of educators
of color is critical to building inclusive and welcoming
learning environments for both students and educators.
Building and Sustaining a Diverse STEM Teacher Pipeline
California is a leader in technological innovation and is known across the world for
putting forward bold, creative solutions in science, technology, engineering, and math
(STEM). Currently, that reputation falls short in California’s public education system: Too
few students in our pre-K through high school classrooms have access to STEM learning
opportunities and well-prepared STEM teachers that reflect the diversity of our state.

Fellowship Initiative Webinar 11/10/2020
In celebration of the 10-year anniversary of The Fellowship Initiative,
JPMorgan Chase & Co. is partnering with MENTOR to sponsor a two-part series of virtual events focused on the academic and career success of young men of color. We will elevate the research and voices of young leaders, mentors and program partners focused on supporting young men of color in their pursuit of academic, career and life goals. Please join us for one or both of these interactive sessions that will elevate promising practices and bold new ideas.
Young Men of Color Achieving Academic Excellence – November 10 from 2:30-4:00pm EST – This event will highlight research on what young men of color need to achieve academic excellence to and through post-secondary education. It will elevate and engage the voices of young leaders and mentors along with practitioners leading promising practices. We will focus on defining and achieving success in a holistic approach including mental health and wellness, financial literacy, relationships, family engagement, and identity. Register here.
Career Preparation & Success with Young Men of Color – December 15 from 2:30-4:00pm EST – This event will highlight research on what young men of color need to prepare for and succeed in a career. It will elevate the voices of young leaders and mentors along with practitioners and employers dedicated to advancing pathways and opportunities for diverse, emerging talent. We will focus on building and leveraging webs of support to strengthen a pathway to career and beyond. Register here.
Each event will be facilitated on Zoom – see calendar invite.
Each event is 90 minutes.
Welcome remarks (3-5 mins)
Co-moderated panel discussion (45 mins)
Breakout room discussions (30 mins)
Debrief and closing (10 mins)
Event #1 – Young Men of Color Achieving Academic Excellence
Marcus Strother – President and CEO of MENTOR California
Harry Johnson – Co-Founder of Brothers@
Brandon Busteed – President of University Partners and Global Head of Learn-Work Innovation at Kaplan, Inc.
Jerome Joseph – Executive Director of America Needs You New York
Edgar Dacto – TFI Fellow and Lafayette College Senior
Jordan Stockdale – Executive Director of the Young Men’s Initiative
Event #2 – Career Preparation & Success with Young Men of Color
Sadiq Ali – Executive Director of Maryland MENTOR
Shemar Clarke – TFI Fellow and Baruch College Senior
Miles Spearman – University of Cincinnati Sophomore
Claude Green – Director of Journeys Diversity & Inclusion at Costco Wholesale
Shannon Varga – Research Assistant Professor in the Wheelock College of Education & Human Development at Boston University and Associate Director of Research and Evaluation for the CERES Institute for Children and Youth
Chauncey Nartay – Managing Partner of the Adult Learning Leaders Institute (ALL IN) and Senior HR Business Partner at General Assembly

After-School Learning Connecting School and Afterschool With Shared Practices
In Tacoma, a community-wide effort to better serve children is underway, and the first step is common language and shared best practices among the adults.
Moving From the Comfort Zone to the Challenge Zone
When we are faced with challenges, our brains are activated to learn new things—so long as a foundation of safety, belonging, and trust is there as well.
Yr. 1 Dash Board – Youth Reinvestment Program
Year 1 of our CA Board of Community Corrections – Youth Reinvestment Program Dash Board.
Year 1 was a success.
It has been an honor to collaborate and work the City of San Bernardino Municipal Government – Community Prevention Programs on California Board of State and Community Corrections Youth Reinvestment Grant.
Some data captured on the success we had in the first 9 months of the program collaborating with Urban Conservation Corps of the Inland Empire. We look forward to the next 2 years creating opportunities for youth to succeed in life.
A recap of our mission and goals of the program we are providing San Bernardino:
The City of San Bernardino (SB) has been challenged by high levels of crime for decades; likewise, the juvenile population has been negatively impacted. A multitude of factors influence the situation, including: lack of employment, poverty, low levels of education, higher than average school dropout and delinquency rates. These factors create an environment ripe for criminal and gang activity.
The purpose of San Bernardino Youth Reinvestment grant program is to implement an evidence-based, culturally relevant, trauma-informed, and developmentally appropriate
program initiative that addresses the unique needs of youth (ages 14 to 21) that are at risk of or are fluctuating between the child welfare and juvenile justice system.
The San Bernardino Youth Reinvestment grant program will achieve this through the development of a coordinated best practice system of diversion referrals. The program will also use evidence based best-practice Wrap around Case Management
and Social Services, as well as the use of a trauma-informed evidence-based curriculum Operation New Hope. The program will also weave into its program restorative justice
where young people will be involved in community services throughout the City, as well as vocational training through the local Certified Conservation Corps.
ONH Weekly Food Program
Our Youth Reinvestment Team Supporting our Community Partner Inland Harvest Food Distribution. Delivering and providing 100 organizations with over 50,000 pounds of groceries, to provide over 20,000 families with food each week.
Team ONH was able to provide 600 families w/ groceries this week.
It takes a United Community Collaboration to restore our Youth & Community.
Our Village:
San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board
City of San Bernardino Municipal Government – Community Prevention Programs
Inland Harvest
Career Institute
Learn4Life High Desert
Family Assistance Program
Divine Connections of Hope
Urban Conservation Corps of the Inland Empire
Arrowhead Sr. Center
California Board of State and Community Corrections
San Bernardino County Probation Department
Turnkey – to Help Fund Homeless Epidemic
San Bernardino County has been awarded more than $1.1 million to acquire 8 short-term vacation rentals that will become permanent homes for families and individuals experiencing homelessness, with priority given to elderly individuals with disabilities who are at risk of health complications from COVID-19.
SAN JOSE – Governor Gavin Newsom today announced a major injection of new funding made possible by the Legislature to expand and support the state’s Homekey program, helping thousands of families experiencing or at risk of homelessness find permanent, long-term housing solutions. The nation-leading program, which enables the state to purchase and rehabilitate housing – including hotels, motels and vacant apartment buildings – and convert them to homeless housing has secured an additional $200 million thanks to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee’s approval of a request made by the Governor to use additional Coronavirus Relief Funding for Homekey. This brings the total funding available for Homekey to more than $800 million, continuing the state’s collective efforts to reduce the pandemic’s impact on the most vulnerable Californians.
The additional funding announced today will enable the state to clear most of the Homekey waitlist with two more award tranches to local jurisdictions, including the sixth round released today – $81.4 million to 5 applicants for 6 projects totaling 430 units. To date, more than $709 million has been awarded to 45 applicants and 78 projects totaling 5,068 units. The average per-unit cost to Homekey is $139,000 – well below the average cost in California to build new housing units.
The Governor made the announcement during a visit to an Emergency Interim Housing Community in San Jose, where he was joined by Mayor Sam Liccardo, Assemblymember Ash Kalra and local officials. The site is one of three locations in San Jose providing 307 new emergency homeless housing bedrooms, each featuring a bathroom and shower, funded by the state’s Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention Grant Program and San Jose’s federal CARES Act allocation.
“I thank the Legislature for its partnership in continuing this critical support to help local jurisdictions get thousands of vulnerable Californians off the streets and safely into shelter,” said Governor Newsom. “Local leaders in San Jose and across the state are demonstrating what’s possible when we work hand in hand with our city and county partners to realize immediate impact solutions to tackle this crisis.”
“We continue striving to deploy creative solutions as COVID-19 exacerbates the housing crisis and puts thousands on the street, and with the financial help we receive from Homekey, we are expanding our efforts to provide permanent housing to our homeless neighbors. I am grateful to Governor Newsom for his staunch support in our fight to end homelessness,” said Mayor Liccardo.
The sixth round of awards includes projects in the following communities:
Los Angeles County has been awarded more than $24.1 million to create 135 units of interim housing with the goal of permanently housing people experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. Residents will receive supportive services.
The City of Oakland has been awarded nearly $17.5 million for two projects. One will convert a recently rehabilitated hotel into 82 units for some of Alameda County’s most vulnerable residents, the other will provide 21 units of permanent housing with supportive services, with priority given to veterans with Veterans Affairs Housing Vouchers.
San Francisco has been awarded more than $29.1 million dollars to convert a 130-room property into permanent housing with supportive services. Residents will immediately begin receiving supportive services to create more stability in their lives.
Santa Clara County has been awarded more than $9.5 million to acquire a 54-unit property that will serve as permanent housing and interim housing, both with supportive services for people who previously experienced homelessness. The property will eventually be developed into 110 units of new permanent supportive housing.
San Bernardino County has been awarded more than $1.1 million to acquire 8 short-term vacation rentals that will become permanent homes for families and individuals experiencing homelessness, with priority given to elderly individuals with disabilities who are at risk of health complications from COVID-19.
The five previous awards can be found here:
October 16, 2020
October 9, 2020
September 28, 2020
September 21, 2020
September 16, 2020
Building on the success of Project Roomkey, Governor Newsom in July announced the availability of $600 million in funding for Homekey, the next phase in the state’s response protecting Californians experiencing or at risk of homelessness, following approval by the Legislature as part of the 2020-21 annual state budget. Of that, $550 million was provided to cities and counties by California’s direct allocation of the federal Coronavirus Aid Relief Funds, with an additional $50 million provided by the state to supplement the acquisition and provide initial operating funds. The Homekey funds are being expended in compliance with federal regulations in response to COVID-19. The Governor has also announced a partnership with Enterprise Community Partners, a nonprofit dedicated to developing affordable housing, to distribute $45 million in funding – $20 million from Blue Shield of California and $25 million from Kaiser Permanente – to support operating subsidies for Homekey projects.
HCD began accepting applications for Homekey on July 22, 2020. The response from local governments and housing providers has been significant – demonstrating the strength of these state-local partnerships. By the application deadline of September 29, a total of 147 applications had been received from 73 entities statewide, with over $1 billion requested.
A study on Missing, Abducted, Runaway, & Thrown away Children aka NISMART
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention has supported WESTAT in a study on missing, abducted, runaway, and thrown away children also known as NISMART
NISMART-4 Study Is Underway!
The Fourth National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway and Thrown away Children (NISMART-4), mandated by the 1984 Missing Children’s Assistance Act (Pub. L. 98–473), is underway.
This survey is sponsored by the Office of Justice Programs’ Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and managed by the National Institute of Justice. The National Law Enforcement Survey on Stereotypical Kidnapping will be used to gather information to estimate the number of children who were abducted by strangers between January 1 and December 31, 2019.
Data will be collected from a national sample of law enforcement agencies with authority to investigate stereotypical kidnappings. Research staff with Westat and the University of New Hampshire may be writing to or calling your agency to collect data about stereotypical (stranger) kidnappings.
To view the full report: